Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm sitting in my sister's apartment looking at a tree on her living room wall. Her idea, behind the tree, was to make it into a gratitude tree. Her and her roommates are planning on putting paper cherry blossoms with thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude on them. I think it's a cool idea, somewhat of a sweet reminder of God's grace and mercy through good and bad. But looking at the tree, or just thinking about trees in general, I recall an analogy my friend Leonard Ray (woot woot) told me. He used a tree in relation to friends. Just like leaves of a tree fall during different seasons, some friends are only in our lives for certain seasons. And as some branches break off of trees, friends break up too. But friend relationships that represent branches hurt more because they snap. Then there are the trees' roots. Roots are strong and they help a tree grow; they're strong. And once in while people become those kind of friends. They become those roots to a tree. Just something I thought of sitting here, looking at that tree on the wall.

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